Aspen Glo Jessie's Girl "Ellie" NA Prize 1 at 4 months...
Ellie was born on April 9th out of a litter of 8 pups. I kept two females from that litter trying to decide in the coming weeks which one I would keep for our own. Although both pups had great natural ability and temperament, I decided on Ellie. It wasn't an easy choice, but it was made and now time to train!
I was working with Maggie to run in an UT test and was training or running dogs daily. Ellie was always along on the ride, so she showed us she ready both ability and mentally to do well in a Navhda NA test.
Test day came and she was ready. She hit the field on a warm August day and searched the field for chuckars as well as she had ever done. The one area I was worried about was the field search for a 4 month old pup, but she didn't let me down. After 4 points and one retrieve I felt good about her field. On to the track....
As anyone that has done a Navhda test can attest to the track can be a tough spot for any dog let alone a 4 month old pup. I brought her up to the feather pile and tapped the ground, she took the scent and I let her go....She weaved back and forth up the slight hill until she was out of sight. The judge made a comment and asked, "if she was for sale" , my reply was "not yet !" Then the other judge called to me and said "handler get your dog". Up I went to find her pointing her rooster in the woods. Track, check !
Last part was the water. Ellie was given the nickname otter by a training partner of mine do to her love of the water. I was confident with the water. We came up to the water and took the bumper from the pile and tossed the bumper a few feet into the water. At that moment a small frog jumped from the shore and she was in hunt mode. The judges and I had a good laugh about her will to find that frog, but we still needed to get her in the water. I took a rock and tossed it at the bumper and splash! she was in swimming. Ellie came back and I swam for two more bumpers. I knew the water wasn't perfect but she had a great day !
Ellie went NA Prize 1 107 just a point deduction for her not entering the water immediately into the water.
Great day from Ellie, stay tuned should be a fun ride over the years with her....